We are also glad that we were able to celebrate my mom's 6_'rd birthday and my little nephew's 2nd. It was a sweet party, filled with goldfish, balloons, cake, games, and good times.
Here are a few moments to behold:
Getting our act together...
there we go!
We also got to stop in Baton Rouge on the way home to visit Courtney and Ethan. We missed seeing Hans, but seriously, Ethan looks a lot like him so it was like he was there.
And now we're back to work and school. At least one of us is graduating this May! Which is very exciting news. So exciting, that like Madison, it makes me want to do this:
living on love,
so it's Harold?
Livin on love. Just livin. And Lovin. Diggy and Kiggy.
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